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Living In Hope

John Coletta
john Coletta

Catalogue Number: MMGB66
Barcode: 5037454798349

CD£12.60Out of Stock
Download£7.90 Buy Now

You can listen to short samples from some of the tracks on this album using the player below.

1Loud Bad & Hard.2:36Play £0.79
2Tex Avery Lorve3:02Play £0.79
3I'll Make It Hard For You.3:17Play £0.79
4It Can Get Worse2:46Play £0.79
5Wreck It All2:53Play £0.79
6Lightning3:27Play £0.79
7Sorry Is A Useless Word.2:47Play £0.79
8This Kind of Love.2:58Play £0.79
9Succubus2:03Play £0.79
10Pyjama Disco.2:30Play £0.79
11Your Wife.2:36Play £0.79
12Day Dream.2:48Play £0.79
13Golden Boy.2:47Play £0.79
14Haunted.4:49Play £0.79

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